Wednesday 19 December 2012

Research and Planning -What will be done over the holiday

What am I going to do over the Christmas holiday ;
-I need to sort out my Blog as there are a lot of things missing and some things that I feel could be improved
-I can finish off my story for my double page spread


Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning-Update for today

Today I have looked at what kind of album cover I could have.I need to get the photographs of the farm off my phone to use them in the background but this is the rough idea i am looking at.I also did an Ishowyou demonstrating how I edit my photos and work on Photoshop.
Although my final album cover wont have the same background this is the rough idea.

Research and Planning -Ishow You

Research and Planning-Serif fonts

Now I need to consider the type of font I can use when writing my double page spread.I looked at a few different fonts on there own and decided which looked appropriate.We looked at 10 different fonts
Arial Narrow
Adobe Casion Pro
Times New Roman
Gill sans
Bauhaus 93 
Cooper Black
The ones which I think are appropriate are Cambria ,Adobe Casion Pro , Times New Roman and Baskerville. They are appropriate because they have a serif on the letters.
Without Serif
With Serif

Research and Planning -Model release form

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning -What's left to do?

I still have quite a bit of work left to do before my music magazine and media coursework are all finished .I need to 
-Complete my cover 
-Complete my contents page with all images
-Complete double page spread 
-Finish anything that is not complete on blogger and add anything I have left off onto my blogger page.
-Check all detail is to satisfaction

Research and Planning -Magazine update

 Here is an update on the making of my magazine and media coursework.The two top screen grabs are two different versions of my front page.I like both images but will decide which one will be used when I decide which one I will use for my double page spread and the album cover I m going to make. The third image down is how I have edited an image and taken the background off.The final image here at the bottom is me having a quick look at what that particular image would look like on the double page spread,I think it looks alright but would need some cropping to the background but the long shot looks good.