Sunday 24 February 2013

Reserch and Planning -What I have done today

Today  I worked on finishing my contents page, I had seen a contents page that I liked that had some detail down the side so I decided to see what I could create using one of the photos I had taken.The picture below is the image of straw I cut from another photo.
Below a screenshot showing when I had added the straw photo to my contents page.As you can see it makes the text hard to read so I am going to cut the side picture down so that it is just a fine strip to add more detail.The bottom doesn't look too bad because the photos go on top.
Here is my contents page once I have changed around the size of the straw photo.I think it looks good and I have tried to blend the bottom strip of straw into the white using the rubber tool.I am happy with how the contents page looks and I think I will now just add some more stories and page numbers. 
Here is my front cover in the middle of changing around the colours to see what works best.

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