Wednesday 30 January 2013

Research and Planning-What I've done today

Today I have finished off my double page spread.Here are screen shots showing the album cover I have made.To make this I have used Photoshop and lots of different layers and filter techniques just seeing what works well.I had to decide whether I wanted to use a Photo of the artist on the album cover or use objects.As you can see I decided to use a photo of the guitar and hat.I then wanted to add a little more detail so decided to use a photo and turn it into a silhouette.The second screen shot here shows you how I made the silhouette, I had to carefully draw around the guitar to keep it the original colour. I used the magnetic lasso tool to follow around the model in the picture.  

Here is my finished double page spread , I am really happy with it I think it looks interesting and something I would read in a magazine.

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