Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation question 4 -Who would be the audience for my media magazine and why?

To answer this question I have drawn a member of my audience , scanned the image onto a computer .I then used the software Paint to add the text and detail.I wanted to use a software that I haven't already used before.

Here is a member of my target audience.As you can see there are a number of pieces of information surrounding her.Heather would buy my magazine because Country and western music is one of here favourite genres.As heather is only nineteen the magazine will appeal to her  age group because of its style and layout.I think the fact that Heather seems to be someone who likes to spend her time outdoors could be a contributing factor as country and western magazines tend to have an outdoors feel(through the settings used etc).Heather may also be interested in the fashion side of a country and western magazine and so I think the costumes I have used would really attract Heather.

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