Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation question 2 -How my media magazine represents particular social groups

Here is the photo of my double page spread on the left.On the right is a photo taken for an existing magazine called Up country.As you can see from the screen shot I have put the photos side by side in Photoshop.The reason I have put the photos onto the same canvas is so I can clearly compare them.

Both photos represent similar social groups and below I am going to look at the similarities and differences between my photo and an existing one. 

Firstly I am going to start by talking about the posture of both models.Both models look fairly relaxed but there bodies are taught to show how they have been positioned for the photo.Both models have been positioned in the centre of the image showing them to be the clear focus of the articles.Both models also have one or more arm raised and I think this reflects their confidence.

The expressions on each of the models faces differs between my magazine and the existing one.My model has a friendly smile whilst making eye contact with the viewer which I think reflects how relaxed and natural I wanted my model to look.The Up country model is making the same eye contact but with a much more serious expression on her face and one that I believe does look posed.I also think that the Up country's model looks to have quite a stiff tight face in contrast to my models loose and friendly smile.

Both photos have been taken from roughly the same distance with mine being slightly further and showing more or my model.Both are long / medium long shots and I think that this shows confidence as the models are not cut out of view from the reader.

The lighting that has been used for each is different.My magazine photo used natural lighting as the photo was taken outside whereas the other photo has clearly had lighting added.This is high key lighting and I think this is to brighten up the model and make her stand out from the plain white background.Although both ways of lighting the images are different I think both are equally as successful with the backgrounds, as the whole model is clearly visible including the details such as hair and makeup.Neither artist is surrounded by shadows and I think this reflects the genre of country far better than an image where low key lighting had been used for example.

Both models are dressed very differently.My costume was chosen very much to reflect the genre of the artist and designed to look quite casual whilst still being able to tell she was modelling.The Up country model has been dressed to show off her feminine side as well as her body in my opinion, the colour of the dress compliments her skin tone but the outfit is still basic and doesn't detract away from her face. Jewellery has been added to the Up country magazines model to add glamour to the overall photo.

The hair in each photo is very different .This is due to the lengths and styles of hair of the artists although both photos show that effort has been made with their hair and both are down and on show.

The makeup worn by both models is fairly similar as both are simplistic, however Up country's model is wearing lipstick and slightly more make up but I believe this is because there is such a plain background being used and that the style of the photo means that most of the viewers attention would be on the models face and therefore more make up is needed.I am happy with my model only wearing a touch of makeup as I didn't want to loose the natural relaxed look she has.

My magazine very much represents females as all of my photos are of women models.Due to the ages of my models used I would also say that my magazine represents younger people.I feel that my magazine is by no means at a disadvantage because it represents young girls ,as I feel it just gives me a more direct market for advertising and selling my product In the same way that a traditional car magazine would be directed towards older men.

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