Wednesday 26 September 2012

Research and Planning -Different camera shots

Here is my Shot type research some of the sketches haven't scanned in very clearly so I am going to briefly explain what i round doing my research.

The first shot type looked at is a POV (point of view) shot this is where the audience sees what the character would see , my example is riding a horse you would see the horses neck and in front of you.This is a good shot type to use if you want the audience to feel like they are in the scene.It is a popular shot type in horror films.

Long shot-This gives a wide view and if used on a character would incorporate the whole person.It can also be used for looking into the distance.My example is looking along a beach into the distance.

Two shot -Where two people are in the shot this can be a conversation or a romantic scene displaying the relationship between the two characters.Good if you want to show eye contact between the two characters for example.My example is two people looking at one another.

Master shot -This is where everything on scene is shown , usually done by the camera zooming out fro one character too the whole room for example .It can be used to take the focus off one person onto everyone.My example is our classroom where everyone can be seen.

Establishing shot-This is the shot that in my opinion 'sets the scene' as it is often at the beginning of a scene for example if you were filming in New York you may have the first shot in the scene of the New York skyline .My example is the golden gate bridge.

Aerial shot-This shot is a birds eye view.Could be used to show the size of something for example the amount of people.My example is looking down onto characters.

Close up-This is a close up shot of the characters face , used to show expressions and eye movement.There is such a shot as the extreme close up where the camera might just look at the eye or mouth for example.My example is just of a face.

Over the shoulder shot- this is where the camera is positioned just behind the character often just capturing there shoulder in the corner.This type of shot is usually used to capture action as if you were there watching it with the character.My example is an explosion happening.

Wide shot-This shot is usually used to look at scenes that are wide .My example is a country side but other examples are mountains or forests.

Mid shot -This is a shot of a character that includes the shoulder upwards.This is used so that clothing can still be seen as well as facial expressions this is not as intense as a close up.My example is a character chest upwards.

Knowing the different shot types will allow me to choose the right type when making my magazine.Shot types are very important as they change the focus in each image.

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