Tuesday 18 September 2012

Research and Planning -Audience interview

After listening to what the audience had to say about my magazine draft I  now know how I can change my college magazine to improve it.Here is some of the feedback that I have got from the interviews;
-Clarendon monthly is a good name for a magazine because it clearly informs the audience what the magazine is about.
-I asked how much the students would be willing to pay for the college magazine, I found that they would like it to be free or cheap (around 50p)
-to help me to complete the contents page I asked the students what information they would like to see inside the college magazine .Every student that i asked said they want the magazine to inform them of what is going on in the college and anything that is new for students(exam dates for example).
-I asked the students what they thought of the colour scheme i have chosen (white , grey  and green ), the feedback I received was that the green could be 'dulled down a bit' and then got told that the colours could be brighter by another student I interviewed.I was told that the colours were interesting and off camera got told that it is definitely a magazine that you would easily recognize on a shelf with competitors. 
-The last question I asked the students was what they thought of the tagline on the magazine , I got told it was good and will draw the reader in .
Overall i was happy with the feedback i got from doing the audience interviews and from this I will edit my first draft of my magazine slightly before publishing my final design.

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