Wednesday 5 September 2012

Research and Planning - Photoshop tutorial

Here is a CD cover I have made. In the past I have used Photoshop but only at a quite basic level.To create this image I began with three images, one of a CD disk with a piano pattern on it , an image of musical notes that I have used on the background and an image of a horn.I began by taking the the CD image and cutting it out and moving it onto the notes background .I tried out a couple of different filters until I was happy with the style.Then I removed the background on the horn and dragged that image onto my CD cover.The original picture of the horn was quite a bland colour so I altered the colour to make it look nice , bright and shiny.To finish off my CD cover I then added my name to make it personal.I like how my CD cover has turned out and the gold colour of the text looks good with the gold of the horn.

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