Tuesday 11 September 2012

Research and Planning -College magazine analysis

Here is a college magazine I found on the internet.I think this magazine looks very educational and professional.The masthead colour matches the colour scheme of the from cover.The fonts used are quite formal giving me a grand impression of the college.There is an issue number and date under the mast head making it clear and easy for a customer picking the magazine up to know what month it was published.The main picture is of the college its self and is quite scenic and beautiful.The picture used has in my opinion has been chosen to make it look like a peaceful place that is well maintained where students would be able to learn.I would say that the photograph has been edited to make the colours have a brown tint or may have been taken at dusk.The cover line has been used to hint to  the reader of what the magazine contains and has been specifically placed so that it wont get in the way of the main image but is still easy to read .The use of the word 'grand' matches the main image and impression the magazine is trying to portray.The target audience would be college students of around 16-19 in my opinion.

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