Wednesday 26 September 2012

Research and Planning -Photos for college magazine

Here are the photographs that i took in preparation to make my college magazine .Some i used and some i didn't but i will explain why below.As we were given plenty of time to go around the college to find different scenes and pupils to photograph it gave us a good chance to have a go at working the cameras and becoming accustom to them and there features.

I like this photo , it would have been a good image for a front cover if i hadn't had a specific photo type.I like how there is an angle to the image but it would have been a better picture if i had been able to take it when there were no cars in the car park.

This is the photo of Costa that i used , it is a nice clear photograph and i think it looked great on the college magazine contents page.

Here is one of the notice boards in the college , i decided it would make a good picture 

Here is a college student that I asked to take a photograph of.This isn't a bad picture when cropped to make it a medium close up however he didn't really look happy so I decided not to use this photo.

Here is the same student on a second picture and again I didn't think he was smiling enough for a front cover of a magazine .

I tried to take a picture of the side of the college minibus as it drove past but I had a pause with the camera and ended up only capturing the back of the minibus.

This is the front of  the college , unfortunately due to the layout of the college I couldn't go any further back to get the whole college in the photograph.

I think this is a good picture I could have cut the background out and used it on the contents page or front cover .

Here is another notice board in the college and I choose to use this image because I ties in with one of the magazine articles. 

This is an image that I wanted to try I don't think it works for the front cover or contents page although it is a nice clear image.

Here is the college receptionist , this image is blurred because i moved my hand before it was captured.

Here is a photo of the cakes at Costa , I think it is a good picture but I decided not to use it due to using the others I had taken.

Here is another student that I asked to take a picture of , unfortunately she was quite shy and wouldn't stay still for me to capture the image.As you can see she wasn't looking at the camera on this one.

This photo is better but not good enough to be used.

I like this photo its bright and sharp.

I thought this photo would be a good action shot for on the contents page, its got good light time and is nice and clear.

This is the image that I used on the front cover of my college magazine .The posture of his body dose not matter because I was asked to use a medium close up so I can trim it down.I like the smile and I think the blue of his shirt is nice and vibrant for a front cover.

This was a photo that i took thinking it would be good to use on the contents page.

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