Friday 26 October 2012

Research and Planning-Drafts after audience feedback

Research and Planning -Audience interview results

These two interviews have been really helpful for me.Here is the information that I got from the two interviews;
Put more on the cover to fill spaces . Contents page 'looks really good' likes how the pictures have twists.Medium close up on the clover looks ok. Likes lasso thinks more cover stories likes contents page  'looks good' font used makes both look similar. Long shot may look better on double page spread .Masthead looks good in left hand corner.Lots of information and good layout.Picture shot type depends on what I am trying to show in picture 

Friday 19 October 2012

Research and Planning- Production schedule

Here is my production schedule to make sure that my time is managed and to make sure that all tasks get done.The green sections are when I am going to complete each task although this may be subject to slight changes .The yellow column is the Christmas break that we will have.As long as I keep getting work completed to this schedule then I will have everything completed in time to the best of my abilities.

Research and Planning - Audience interview questions

Here are the questions that I have decided to ask my audience in order to gauge an idea on where I should go from my draft ideas.

1)What do you think of the overall front cover  ,can you think of any improvements I could make?

2)Do you like the contents page I have designed and why?

3)Can you easily tell that the contents page belongs to the same magazine as the cover draft  and why?

4)Do you like that I have used a medium close up on the cover, or have any alternative ideas of shot types?

5)Do you think that my masthead looks effective in the left corner or think it would look better running across the top?

6)Do you like the layout of my double page spread and think it is something you would read?

7)Do you think that a long shot being used is appropriate , if not please state why?

My drafts

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Research and Planning -Questionaire results

Research and Planning - Questionnaire

Here is my questionnaire ready to print out and give to 10 people.When I received the questionnaires I will put the results into charts and look at what I have found.
I have decided to use  only 8 questions because I want to know what peoples opinions are on the magazine are but I know that I still want to have freedom to do what 
I think is right ,using my knowledge of country and western style.

The questions i have chosen to ask are; 
1)Are you male or female ?
2)What age are you ?
3)How often do you listen to country and western music ?
4)What would you like to see in a country and western magazine ?
5)What price would you be wiling to pay for a magazine ?
6)What colours do you associate with country and western?
7)What shot type would you like to see used on the cover of a country and western magazine ?
8)Do you like the magazine name 'Deep south' and think it is appropriate ?

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research and Planning - Contents page analysis 2

This contents page was taken from a country music magazine called Country folk.The magazine is only a small not so well know one.There is a clear three colour rule being followed( red , white and black). There is a paragraph for the readers to introduce them to the magazine usually giving a brief outline of what is included in that issue.Looking at the page as a whole I think this one looks quite full and a little squashed with too much writing.Even though I think having some detail about the articles is a good for a reader I think if I picked this up in a shop I would put it back down after being overwhelmed with text on the first page.There is no use of Regular and Featured headings that I think are always useful.I like how each picture has a fine black border I think it makes them look tidier.I really don't like the grey column on the right I think it only adds to the crowded page and almost looks like it belongs in a different magazine.I think this page would look better if all the pictures had been either in colour or black and white and don't think using both looks as good.One thing that i like about this contents page is the top right hand corner, the 'In this issue' looks vibrant and stands out on the page.

Research and Planning - Contetnse page analysis

This is a contents page from a music magazine running a country special edition.There is a clear three colour rule being followed on this page and I like how the white stands on on the blue.The shot type used is a long shot and I think it is effective how the sky had been incorporated to look like a background.The photograph would have been taken using an SLR camera , I can tell this because of the clarity.Shadows haven't been altered so you can see the natural light from the sunshine.The photograph is posed to look relaxed.The typical costume of a country singer is worn(cowboy hat , shirt and jeans)The font used is clear and easy to read, I like how a fine line has been used under 'contents' I think it looks tidy.Two columns make it easy to look at allow the text to stay on the sky.Something I would like to take away from looking at this contents page is the use of the circle with text inside that names the picture of the artist, the tone of blue will have most likely been selected from the sky that interlinks the whole page together in my opinion.

Research and Planning -Double page spread analysis 3

This is my favorite double page spread in the UP country magazine.There is a nice colour theme.

Research and Planning -Double page spread analysis 2

This is another double page spread I have photographed for the magazine UP country.It is an article  about a country band and there new album.Columns have been used to make it clear and easy to read.There is a lot of free space on this page that looks like it should have more pictures.I like the background and how it fades from dark to light.

Research and Planning -Double page spread analysis 1

Here is a double page spread from the magazine I have been looking at called UP Country.I like the colour of the background and how the circles make it look quite funky . The shot types used are close up and medium close ups that I think work well.There are pictures of the artists singing and also professional shots that give a good verity on the page.Columns make the text easy to read and allows for photos to be incorporated into the article.You can easily tell that the article is from a country and western music magazine because of the use of a guitar and cowboy hat.The layout allows for lots of information to be incorporated into the article without making it look to 'bulky' for a reader to be able to handle.I would say that the target audience for this particular article would be females because light blue and white is used.I also think the font used for title for the double page spread is quite fine and feminine.Like most magazine s there is a white border surrounding the article this allows for the page numbers to be typed at the same place at the bottom of each page in a magazine.In terms of looking at this double page to help me with my magazine I like how the introductory paragraph appears to follow on from the line.

Monday 15 October 2012

Research ans Planning-Podcasts

This is my podcast explaining what I have done so far on my Blogger, it is the first podcast I have done but I hope to do more in the future and improve them as I go on.

Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning - Masthead font ideas

I have decided that my magazine will be called Deep South ;

Here are some masthead ideas  have come up with using a website called I think there is a good range of ideas here and i like different parts of each .From top to bottom ;

Font used is Rosewood Std
This is a very classic looking western font ,it looks western.I think this font is a little cheesy and wouldn't attract the age range of 18-24 that I am looking to attract.Also it looks a bit too detailed to be a masthead in my opinion.

Font used is Bleeding Cowboys
This font is without doubt my favorite. It is very different for any I have previously seen .It has quite a old style gothic look to it.I like how the text is still very clear to read despite its extra detail.This font would look great as a masthead because is is detailed but not too much and would be easily recognized against others on a shop shelf.I like how the 'O' has a tail and how the 'H' seems to fade away.

Font used is Round Up
I like how this font has an old country and western feel however this font looks like it has been sketched and because I want my music magazine to look professional I don't think this style would be an appropriate choice.

Font used is Western Swagger
This font is interesting because it is quite tall and thin.It also looks ragged making it look unique and would catch a readers eye.The downfall to this font is that I wouldn't associate it to country music at all and think it may not make a bold masthead that I need.

Font used is Egidia
I like this font , firstly because it has the potential to be filled with colour , also because it is bold and clear to read.I don't know if this font is too plain for what I am looking for but it is definitely a possibility.

Font used is Cowboys
This is the typical western font with the chunky top and bottoms to the letters and often associated to 'WANTED' posters.It definitely shouts country music but I think it looks too traditional, maybe if I were targeting a slightly older market this would be a font I would use but i think I need something more modern.I also want to use something with more imagination than this (the typical font)

My overall favorite font has to be Bleeding Cowboys because it is so unique.

Research and Planning- Magazine cover analysis 3

This particular magazine is a very well known magazine in the UK and other parts of the world so i wanted to analyse this as well as other magazines that i don't think are as popular or are from America alone.
Firstly i think the audience for this magazine would have to be women based of the front cover because pink is used in text and text boxes, also white which combined with pink makes the cover look very feminine. I would say the age range for this magazine would be quite broad , i think it would appeal from 16 plus because i know Kelly Clarkson has fans of all ages.I like the layout of this cover because the masthead stands alone to the left and looks interesting.Also the issue number and date stand alone at the top which makes it easy for the audience to be able to know quickly and easily if it is the magazine they are after.I like the use of the different fonts which in my opinion highlight that Kelly Clarkson is quite special almost and the magazine is trying to show excitement.The colour scheme is clearly pink and white on this issue making the whole magazine look very girly and almost like it is a 'Kelly' edition . The camera shot used is a medium close up to show the face and a small section of clothing.I like the photograph chosen i think she looks like the famous singer she is , very glamorous with a pose.Note the colours that Kelly is wearing matches the colour scheme for the cover.Finally the cover represents glamour and femininity in country music i think.Overall i like this front cover i think it looks busy but not overcrowded and the type of magazine i would pick up of the shelves .

Research and Planning- Magazine cover analysis 2

Again this magazine is a country and western magazine , the name of the magazine makes this clear.The layout for this magazine is quite simple it has the masthead Country, a cover line music people .It has a few names on the front giving the reader an idea of what is featured inside , issue date and number and a bar-code .Clearly on the cover of this magazine follows a two-colour colour scheme .I like how the photo uses the same colours so it all mixes together nicely.The camera shot used for this image is medium shot and i think this has been used to allow the audience to focus on her face but allow them to see she is wearing jeans( very popular in this genre).I think the target audience for this magazine could be male or female because blue is a unisex colour and if the model on the front is a well knows singer then it would appeal to both sexes.I think this magazine would appeal slightly more to women however because i think they would relate to the model on the front.I think this cover as a whole represents country as being quite relaxed and casual but at the same time they have used a beautiful model to portray some glamour.I think the use of only two colours does make this magazine look quite basic and i don't think it would personally stand out on a shelf for me, however one part of the cover i do like is the while outline used around the masthead text i think this looks nice nadjust makes it stand out a little bit for everything else on the page.

Research and Planning- Magazine cover analysis 1

The genre of magazine i am looking at is country and western.Clearly the name of the magazine indicates what genre this magazine is for which i like.Looking at this magazine cover i would say that the target audience for the magazine has to be women around 18- 40 , the reason i think this is because of the age of the mode used(around 25) this would appeal to both older women and younger teens.The fact that here are only females on the cover and the colours used (white , orange and yellow ) are light displays to me this is not a mans magazine.The masthead is clear and easy to read , this magazine doesn't have a cover line which i think is fine because the masthead clearly displays what the magazine genre is.The shot types used are medium shots , i think this specific shot type has been used to show the models face and also some of her clothing .A medium shot allows a pose with the arms to be seen and i think this pose is quite cocky and  looks like she is trying to show off which ties in with the text 'most beautiful woman'.I like how the price is on the cover as i think this will encourage people to pick it off the shelves and i also like how there is a banner running along the top.The use of the banner is good as it allows the main image on the cover to be kept clear of lots of text but still allows the audience to be able to see what is featured inside the magazine .The cover also contains an issue number for the magazine and date in small print under the masthead.This cover follows the three colour rule with the yellow , orange and white.

Research and Planning -Country magazine collage

This is my collage of all aspects of country and western magazines.I have used pieces from a magazine and images from the internet .