Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning- Magazine cover analysis 3

This particular magazine is a very well known magazine in the UK and other parts of the world so i wanted to analyse this as well as other magazines that i don't think are as popular or are from America alone.
Firstly i think the audience for this magazine would have to be women based of the front cover because pink is used in text and text boxes, also white which combined with pink makes the cover look very feminine. I would say the age range for this magazine would be quite broad , i think it would appeal from 16 plus because i know Kelly Clarkson has fans of all ages.I like the layout of this cover because the masthead stands alone to the left and looks interesting.Also the issue number and date stand alone at the top which makes it easy for the audience to be able to know quickly and easily if it is the magazine they are after.I like the use of the different fonts which in my opinion highlight that Kelly Clarkson is quite special almost and the magazine is trying to show excitement.The colour scheme is clearly pink and white on this issue making the whole magazine look very girly and almost like it is a 'Kelly' edition . The camera shot used is a medium close up to show the face and a small section of clothing.I like the photograph chosen i think she looks like the famous singer she is , very glamorous with a pose.Note the colours that Kelly is wearing matches the colour scheme for the cover.Finally the cover represents glamour and femininity in country music i think.Overall i like this front cover i think it looks busy but not overcrowded and the type of magazine i would pick up of the shelves .

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