Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research and Planning - Contents page analysis 2

This contents page was taken from a country music magazine called Country folk.The magazine is only a small not so well know one.There is a clear three colour rule being followed( red , white and black). There is a paragraph for the readers to introduce them to the magazine usually giving a brief outline of what is included in that issue.Looking at the page as a whole I think this one looks quite full and a little squashed with too much writing.Even though I think having some detail about the articles is a good for a reader I think if I picked this up in a shop I would put it back down after being overwhelmed with text on the first page.There is no use of Regular and Featured headings that I think are always useful.I like how each picture has a fine black border I think it makes them look tidier.I really don't like the grey column on the right I think it only adds to the crowded page and almost looks like it belongs in a different magazine.I think this page would look better if all the pictures had been either in colour or black and white and don't think using both looks as good.One thing that i like about this contents page is the top right hand corner, the 'In this issue' looks vibrant and stands out on the page.

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