Friday 19 October 2012

Research and Planning - Audience interview questions

Here are the questions that I have decided to ask my audience in order to gauge an idea on where I should go from my draft ideas.

1)What do you think of the overall front cover  ,can you think of any improvements I could make?

2)Do you like the contents page I have designed and why?

3)Can you easily tell that the contents page belongs to the same magazine as the cover draft  and why?

4)Do you like that I have used a medium close up on the cover, or have any alternative ideas of shot types?

5)Do you think that my masthead looks effective in the left corner or think it would look better running across the top?

6)Do you like the layout of my double page spread and think it is something you would read?

7)Do you think that a long shot being used is appropriate , if not please state why?

My drafts

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