Tuesday 16 October 2012

Research and Planning - Contetnse page analysis

This is a contents page from a music magazine running a country special edition.There is a clear three colour rule being followed on this page and I like how the white stands on on the blue.The shot type used is a long shot and I think it is effective how the sky had been incorporated to look like a background.The photograph would have been taken using an SLR camera , I can tell this because of the clarity.Shadows haven't been altered so you can see the natural light from the sunshine.The photograph is posed to look relaxed.The typical costume of a country singer is worn(cowboy hat , shirt and jeans)The font used is clear and easy to read, I like how a fine line has been used under 'contents' I think it looks tidy.Two columns make it easy to look at allow the text to stay on the sky.Something I would like to take away from looking at this contents page is the use of the circle with text inside that names the picture of the artist, the tone of blue will have most likely been selected from the sky that interlinks the whole page together in my opinion.

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