Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning - Masthead font ideas

I have decided that my magazine will be called Deep South ;

Here are some masthead ideas  have come up with using a website called I think there is a good range of ideas here and i like different parts of each .From top to bottom ;

Font used is Rosewood Std
This is a very classic looking western font ,it looks western.I think this font is a little cheesy and wouldn't attract the age range of 18-24 that I am looking to attract.Also it looks a bit too detailed to be a masthead in my opinion.

Font used is Bleeding Cowboys
This font is without doubt my favorite. It is very different for any I have previously seen .It has quite a old style gothic look to it.I like how the text is still very clear to read despite its extra detail.This font would look great as a masthead because is is detailed but not too much and would be easily recognized against others on a shop shelf.I like how the 'O' has a tail and how the 'H' seems to fade away.

Font used is Round Up
I like how this font has an old country and western feel however this font looks like it has been sketched and because I want my music magazine to look professional I don't think this style would be an appropriate choice.

Font used is Western Swagger
This font is interesting because it is quite tall and thin.It also looks ragged making it look unique and would catch a readers eye.The downfall to this font is that I wouldn't associate it to country music at all and think it may not make a bold masthead that I need.

Font used is Egidia
I like this font , firstly because it has the potential to be filled with colour , also because it is bold and clear to read.I don't know if this font is too plain for what I am looking for but it is definitely a possibility.

Font used is Cowboys
This is the typical western font with the chunky top and bottoms to the letters and often associated to 'WANTED' posters.It definitely shouts country music but I think it looks too traditional, maybe if I were targeting a slightly older market this would be a font I would use but i think I need something more modern.I also want to use something with more imagination than this (the typical font)

My overall favorite font has to be Bleeding Cowboys because it is so unique.


  1. I really like the fonts which you have chosen as it shows a wide variety of different ones and they all suit your genre. But I think that the best one for your masthead on your music magazine is the second one.

  2. i like the top right font as it really fits the 'country' theme of your magazine

  3. Thanks both of you ,its great that your favorite is the same as mine! It shows that its not just me that thinks it would be appropriate as a masthead.
