Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning- Magazine cover analysis 1

The genre of magazine i am looking at is country and western.Clearly the name of the magazine indicates what genre this magazine is for which i like.Looking at this magazine cover i would say that the target audience for the magazine has to be women around 18- 40 , the reason i think this is because of the age of the mode used(around 25) this would appeal to both older women and younger teens.The fact that here are only females on the cover and the colours used (white , orange and yellow ) are light displays to me this is not a mans magazine.The masthead is clear and easy to read , this magazine doesn't have a cover line which i think is fine because the masthead clearly displays what the magazine genre is.The shot types used are medium shots , i think this specific shot type has been used to show the models face and also some of her clothing .A medium shot allows a pose with the arms to be seen and i think this pose is quite cocky and  looks like she is trying to show off which ties in with the text 'most beautiful woman'.I like how the price is on the cover as i think this will encourage people to pick it off the shelves and i also like how there is a banner running along the top.The use of the banner is good as it allows the main image on the cover to be kept clear of lots of text but still allows the audience to be able to see what is featured inside the magazine .The cover also contains an issue number for the magazine and date in small print under the masthead.This cover follows the three colour rule with the yellow , orange and white.

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