Friday 9 November 2012

Research and Planning -Model selection

Here are 8 friends of mine that could possibly take on the role of being my model.I need to not only choose the girl that looks the most suitable but also that one that would have the time to be photographed for me.I need to choose a model for my double page spread and cover and will also choose a second model to go on my contents page.

This is Beth;

Beth has a lovely smile , body and is in my opinion quite beautiful.Beth would have a good idea of what I am looking for in my photographs as she has an interest in horses and all things western.Having knowledge with horses will mean that Beth should have no problems posing with a pony.Beth has a part time job but upon asking her if she would be willing to help me out of I needed her, has informed me that she would have plenty of time to have photos taken.Although Beth's hair is shorter and not typically the style of a country artist I think she would look great with a costume and props.Beth has also studied media at college so she would have a good idea of what i am looking for in my photographs.

This is Falan;

Falan has beautiful hair and a great shape. Falan does not have a job and so she would have plenty of time to have photographs taken. Falan is not keen on the outdoors however meaning that she may struggle with the photo shoot. I think on some pictures taken of Falan she looks quite young and I need a model that looks 19 regardless of there actual age. Falan has a talent for applying make-up so I could possibly ask her to help me with that on the day.

This is Francesca (Fran);

Fran has in my opinion a very country style look naturally.She has lovely long hair that looks amazing when left natural.Fran had lots of experience with horses so that would help if a pony was present on set.Fran has lovely eyes that I think look great on a photograph.Fran has a weekend job meaning we would have to fit the photo shoot in the evenings this could be difficult if I needed to get more than one image before we lose natural light. Fran can be fairly shy and this can be seen in some of her photographs.I honestly thing that Fran would look perfect with a costume and props but her reserved nature may mean that I cant get the kind of shot that I need.I think Fran would definitely be a possibility for the model for the contents page of my magazine.

This is Hannah;

Firstly I just want to say that I think Hannah having ginger hair makes her look perfect for the part.Hannah loves to have photographs taken and is great at posing.Hannah has a lovely natural smile and beautiful brown eyes.Hannah would be a striking model to have but she has recently taken on a second job as well as being full time at college meaning unfortunately she wouldn't have the time I would need from her for the photo shoot.

This is Jenny;

Jenny's hair colour would look interesting if she were to be my model.Jenny has a nice face but can sometimes be unconfident about her body.Jenny is mostly happy in front of a camera and would have spare time to be able to model for me.My concern if I were to use Jenny would be that she is only five foot tall and I think she may look a bit short on the set i.e the guitar may look too big for her and unnatural.

This is May;

May has a nice body but I don't think she has the prettiest face.May would have time to model for me but my biggest problem is that she constantly changes her hair colour meaning that on the day of the photo shoot she could turn up with it pink.For this reason May couldn't be used in my magazine.

This is Sadie;

Sadie is incredibly tall at nearly six foot.She has a natural smile on camera and has a body like a model.Sadie doesn't have a job and so she would have the time to get the photos taken .I think Sadie looks quite mature for her age and could look good as a country singer.Sadie lacks lots of confidence and I don't think she would do well in front of a camera.

This is Sophie;

Sophie loves to take pictures and have them taken.She loves to dress up and pose so she would do well as a model.Sophie's hair can be quite hard to control it is hard to straighten and left natural it will form tight curls.Sophie also has slightly yellow teeth .Sophie doesn't have a job so would have the time to have a photo shoot however I just don't think she has the right look.

After looking at all of my models carefully and considering how they feel about having photos taken and the time available I have decided that I will use Beth for the front cover and double page spread and will have Fran on the contents page.I may also need to use one of the other girls on the contents page but I will decide that later on.

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