Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning-Equipment and software list

Anyone could design a magazine but as a media student our aim is to make a magazine that looks professional  so that you could pick it up on a shelf at WHSmiths for example and not think it had been made students.In order to do this we need to use a number of different pieces of equipment and software.

In college we have iMac computers from Apple these are loaded with some great software that will bring all our work together.Adobe Photoshop is a professional photo editing software that we have in college that can be used to manipulate any given image or photograph, this can be as basic as cropping an image to airbrushing a model to get a better skin tone.Photoshop will be used to create my front cover as I can use the different layers to add text to photographs and take away backgrounds if I want to overlap images.I may also need to edit the photos for my double page spread and contents page.

The second software I will use to create my magazine will be Adobe Indesign. It is a program that can allow you to make professional articles , posters , flyers or brochures.It will be used to make both my double page spread and contents page because it can provide a number of different layouts .I will use the columns to create a professional looking double page spread that will incorporate photographs taken.

I will use SLR cameras that we have in college to take the photographs for my magazine.I have done plenty of practice shots before taking the pictures for the magazine and should have a good idea at that point which lighting I will need and different features on the cameras.A tripod may be needed during the photo shoot to get a steady camera position.

iPhoto is the software used that iMac computers use to import the photos from the cameras onto the iMac's. 

A scanner may be needed to scan in anything that is hand drawn that i want to be 

If i find that i need to use any other software or equipment i will add it onto this list to keep it up to date.

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