Thursday 15 November 2012

Research and Planning-Preparation for the photo shoot and what happened on the day

My photo-shoot took a fair bit of organization from arranging the props I would need ,to being able to make sure that the location would be free.Here is a rough list of what I had to do in the order I did them.;
1)Choose which of my friends two stables would be best suited to my media work , I also had to consider how often there is no one around.The first location I went to see was a perfect all weather indoor barn with an upstairs hay loft that I thought could prove interesting for some photos, Its a very nice new built building that would have looked nice as a backdrop.However the first stable is a busily run yard and after speaking to the owner he said it would be unlikely that during a weekend there would be no one around to  disturb me but due to where the stable is it meant I wouldn't have time during a week to get there.
The second stable was local to both me and my model and although the layout of the stable meant that during bad weather taking photos would be difficult there was indoor lighting if needed.The second stable would also be available during the day everyday until about half past three and weekends could be arranged with the owner.The choice was made to choose stable number two , Ash Farm because of the convenience of time.

2)Now that I have the location I can arrange props.There was a lot of items on the farm that the owner said she was happy for me to use and even said I could put the horses she had in the background.I decided that her pony would look good in the photo-shoot and because she is fairly small like my model they would look good together.A friend of mine lent me the cowboys roping rope that got used in the photo-shoot.I already own the western saddle and thought it would be great to use it as a prop either on the pony , being carried or in the background.

3) There was a lot of preparation on the day of the photo-shoot as well.Unfortunately the weather proved to be horrendous on the day and it was incredibly cold which did make the photo-shoot more difficult.The photo-shoot was done on Monday 10th Dec .

Here is a schedule of what happened on the day including the preparation before the models arrival.

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