Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning-SLR test shots

Here are my SLR test shots.I wandered around college taking photographs of different things that I found.

This is a bush that i found outside college.This first picture was taken with the flash on and auto focus on.

This is the second photograph I took of the same bush, This on was taken using natural lighting with auto focus on which I think has worked equally as well even though it was taken on a cloudy day.

This is a picture of the vending machine in the college , I took this picture using slight zoom and no flash.I thinks it turned out ok.

This is a stool in the college .I wanted to see how the surface would turn out because it was shiny.The flash was on and that's why the edges appear lighter.

Next I went to the football table and decided to use the zoom on the camera to focus on the men on the table.I focused the camera myself for both of the shots.This is with the flash on.

This is the same picture with the auto focus off and the flash off.I think this one looks better because the green colour hasn't been altered and you can still clearly see the image from the lighting in the room.

This is the corridor,I tried to focus the camera myself but it was difficult and so it is slightly blurred this image.The man at the end of the corridor is very blurred so auto focus probably would be better for a shot like this.

This is a photograph of text that was on a wall.I wanted to see how much detail the camera would pick up without using a zoom.The flash was off because the text had a shiny surface and so it would have been hard to read through the reflection. The auto focus was on for this photo.

Next I found this plug ,There was lots of light in the room so I didn't need the flash.I focused the camera myself and with a steady hand got a great result.

Here I was practicing focusing the camera  with a slight zoom I think this picture looks crystal clear.

These next two pictures were seeing if the flash makes any difference to an area.I was thinking about my scene that I will be using and if the flash will change the quality of the picture.This was no flash.

This was flash on but as you can see there is no difference because the natural lighting works great.

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